Monday, January 3, 2011

Free, Fun, and Slimey! Cape Girardeau Nature Center

Where can you go to see a 2 headed snake, giant catfish, and pretend to an armidillo. The Cape Girardeau Nature Center of course! Our local nature center is awesome, good for a rainy or cold day.
The exhibits all relate to our local nature, and are all kid friendly! They have even added in a new kids play area with puzzles, puppet stage, and snake skins you can touch YUCKO!
We stopped in last week to pick up a calendar and a 10 minute stop turned into an hour and half adventure! We played we laughed and I was greatful I had my camera on hand!

The Nature Center is open Tuesday-Saturday 8-5 (call on holidays). They offer many kids programs for all ages, and family friendly programs. Sign up for their newsletter and they will mail you a monthly program guide.
Nature is wonderful and its great opportunity to teach the kiddos to love it.

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