Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Today's Adventure

I know you got all excited only for me to again bore you to death with my a story of my real life...sorry! 

For some of my faithful readers that know me personally already know what today's adventure was, but for those that do not, I will share!  Today was my first day back to school for my fall classes, YEP, the secret is I am also a college student....a NON-TRADITIONAL student!  As you can see I am not fresh out of highschool...I could only WISH! 

For now my traveling days will be limited to evenings, weekends, and school breaks, but I promise I stocked up on so many stories over the summer I have so much stuff to share!  I truly enjoy sharing all the cool happenings, neat places, and just discovered things with you all!  You guys and gals are a faithful bunch of readers, and that makes me feel all warm in fuzzy inside!

Please feel free to follow me on twitter @BeckyAEnglehart , like me on facebook Adventures Among Us on Facebook, or buzz me an email adventuresamongus@gmail.com .....I love feedback and as always SHARE my blog with everyone you know!  Get the word out how GREAT the state of Missouri is and especially Southeast Missouri! 

There is so many great happenings, events, and such coming up so check back often!


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