Thursday, September 8, 2011

Ha Ha Tonka State Park and My Great Rescue

The view of the Castle from across the park

I had originally planned to save this story for a later date, but today while flipping through photos the memory of our day at Ha Ha Tonka came flooding back. 
I am not going to share the facts of Ha Ha Tonka State Parks in this post I will save that until a later date; I am only going to share our emotionally fantastic day at Ha Ha Tonka State Park. 
Our Family at Ha Ha Tonka State Park
I had always wanted to visit Ha Ha Tonka State Park, but it has been one of those places that we had always said when we visit here, or when we are headed there, and seemed to always put it off.  When we were offered, the opportunity to stop here during our road trip to the Missouri State Fair it more than excited me.  As a want-to-be photographer, Ha Ha Tonka is more than a dream place to visit.  The remains of the onetime castle is spectacular, the view from the overlook is more than breathtaking, and surrounding greenness just tops it off.  However, my great photos are shadowed by my little man’s great adventure at Ha Ha Tonka.   
My Prince Charming & The Great Rescuer

After “adventuring” all around the castle remains we were off to the trails to see the fire tower and the rock bridge.  As we headed down the path my little prince charming Dillard (3) grabbed my hand, looked up to me, and said “Mommy a long time ago when you were small and I was big you had long long hair my horse John Deere and I rescued your from that castle.”  Tears came to eyes for more than one reason.  Every little girl, no matter your age, wants to be somebody’s princess and my little man reminded me that in his eyes I am a princess…yes that makes a momma’s day!  My second thought we didn't have to entertained by theme parks, we have our imagination and that makes this momma proud.  My final thought was YES he gets its, he understands how beautiful this place is, he sees why we love these places, and he LOVES them just as much as I do….that more than makes my day that makes my heart swell. 
What a View!
While I want you to visit Ha Ha Tonka State Park, I want you see its beauty, and want you to see how great Missouri State Parks are….I really want your kids to have the chance to explore, imagine, and create an adventure of their own.  I know one day Dillard will realize that his horse John Deere and him really didn’t rescue Mommy from that great big castle, but for today he can vividly describe the massive structure, the beauty that surrounds it, and his GREAT CASTLE RESCUE. 

to see more photos of our trip please Our Photos of Ha Ha Tonka State Park
****Our visit to Ha Ha Tonka State Park was part of our road trip to the Missouri State Fair sponsored by Missouri Division of Tourism....and Thank You for giving Dillard the chance to see where he rescued me from a long long time ago!

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