Thursday, February 16, 2012

Preparing for our Mid-Winter Missouri Vacation

Yes it is February, and every year come February I come down with a severe case of Cabin Fever.  This year has been a little better, but still I am ready to get out doors and get back to have some major Adventures!  

Normally, about this time of the year I hightail it south to hit the beaches, visit our beloved GaGa, and soak up some of that southern sun.  This year, being that I am the Missouri Traveling Mom, and well we have a few more hectic schedules now that the kids are a few years older, we decided we would make our Mid-Winter Vacation easier, and stay in Missouri!  However, I discovered it is a HARD choice of what to do in Missouri, because there is so MUCH to do!    

I will not disclose where we have chosen to hangout at…you must stay tuned next week to my Missouri Traveling Mom’s Blog for the juicy details…but I will give you a several of the amazing places that we had to choose from!  

 Skiing in Missouri…
Most of would high tail it Colorado for some winter snow fun, but did you know that you can actually Ski in Missouri.  Welcome to Wildwood, MO home of Hidden ValleySki and Snowboard Area…..immediately when I discovered this place, I added it to my list of must do with my little adventurous man!

Steelville Missouri…..
Steelville, MO  known to be the floating capital of Missouri, and folks I can tell you from my visit last summer it truly is packed with floaters!  However, in the middle of winter not to many folks want to hop on the river and float on down….imagine that…but that leaves Steelville peaceful, quiet, and well just beautiful!  Inside Steelville Missouri, I have discovered Westover Farm, and I have added this beautiful place to my list of must sees in Missouri.  Personally, I am hoping they provide Nanny Service, because this place looks like the perfect place for me to hide out and catch up on that much needed sleep!

Kansas City, MO….
Who needs to head to the beach, when we have all the indoor water fun we need inside the state of Missouri?  I know right, who is thinking about water parks in February…really who is thinking of putting on a swimsuit in mid-February…I guess that would be me!  CoCo Key Water Resort has an all inclusive package that can make your mid-winter vacation not only fun, but very affordable!    

Branson, MO….
We all know how fabulous Branson, MO is, but like many other places we think of Branson for just certain months of the year.  Well unbelievably, I received this idea from my beloved Outlaws (yes the in-laws).  Big Cedar Lodge, America’s Premier Wilderness Resort…loaded with fun, excitement, yet still boasting with relaxation.  Big Cedar Lodge, has not only made Becky’s list of places that we must check out, but has also made The Outlaws’ list, so you know it is bound to be good! 

These are just our top four selection of our Mid-Winter Missouri Vacation, but I assure you that you want to stay tune next week to see what crazy fun adventure we have been on! 

May you have an Adventurous weekend!


For more great travel info, or a few good laughs follow on twitter @BeckyAdventure 

note....videos are provided from the company's website

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