Tuesday, November 6, 2012

The Southern Sweets Dessert Company in Cape Girardeau Missouri

I know it does not come to a shock to you all that in our house we have love for sweets, well maybe not Momma so much as those rotten sweet tooth sidekicks of mine!

Last fall the kids and I stumbled upon this cute little ice cream parlor located in the Spanish Street Mercantile on Spanish Street in Downtown Cape Girardeau.  Well we have waited to give this little shop a proper food review until we have thoroughly tested the joint over and over and over….okay we became addicted to the place. 

Yesterday we were Downtown bumming around, stopped off at the little shop one more time, and we decided it was time to give our favorite Ice Cream Parlor a review.  Except this little Ice Cream Parlor is no longer just a little Ice Cream Parlor…..Eeeek They have EXPANDED & renamed themselves The Southern Sweets Dessert Company.  This brings a completely new problem to the table for us!  We have just thoroughly investigated, tasted, and fell in love with their Homemade Ice Cream, and now they have added in a completely new menu! 

The Southern Sweets Dessert Company now offers dessert bread, cookies, muffins, candies, cakes, pies, and coming soon homemade soups and sandwiches.  I can go on and on about how yummy their food is, how fun their shop is, and how great their service is, but you would think is obvious if we continue to go back.

The Southern Sweets Dessert Company is located 26 N Spanish St Mercantile in Downtown Cape Girardeau; you can visit their website for a complete menu. 


The Southern Sweets Desserts Company in Downto...
The Southern Sweets Desserts Company in Downtown Cape Girardeau. 
Betty Boop  at The Southern Sweets Desserts Co...
Betty Boop at The Southern Sweets Desserts Company in Downtown Cape Girardeau. 
The Southern Sweets Desserts Company in Downto...
Banana Nut Bread at The Southern Sweets Desserts Company in Downtown Cape Girardeau. 
The Southern Sweets Desserts Company in Downto...
Pecan Dessert

The Southern Sweets Desserts Company in Downto...
Donuts Anyone?  

Lesse Says Chocolate Ice Cream is the BEST

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