Sunday, September 15, 2013

Social Media Strategist, Blogger, Reviewet, Traveler....You got it, I do it all!

Image representing Blogger as depicted in Crun...
Yesterday while I met with one of my clients, he told me that I should advertise what I do.  Fact is I stink at trying to get business....I would like to say I am humble, but in reality I can sell for those I work for, but cannot myself.  #Fail

I did decide this morning (while in the  shower) that I could write a post and tell all the services that I offer, unfortunately I did not have my computer with me (in the shower) at that moment and it totally slipped my mind what I was going to say.

So here is my attempt at telling you.

Image representing Twitter as depicted in Crun...
Image via CrunchBase
Social Media Strategist - I run Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest....any social network you can imagine for you and make you look COOL.  I will disclose here I am NOT an expert, but I am real.  I am not an executive with a masters in business sitting behind the a fancy desk in a snazzy suit.  Nope, I am a Mom, I often work from my rocking chair in my sweatpants and flip flops.  The difference is I am REAL, you have access to see my social media accounts, you can look at my Facebook page, you can friend me, get to know me, and understand I am HERE FOR YOU.  When you meet me chances are (unless we meet in a fancy restaurant) I will be decked out in a t-shirt in jeans and talk to you about REAL things.

My goal is not to line my pockets with extra money, it is to make your business, organization, town, community, get it I work with all kinds, look as GOOD as you ARE.

I offer Social Media Services in two different manners:

  • I run it for you, I will set it up, run it, write the content, communicate with your clients, and make you look snazzy. 
  • OR, I help YOU understand your Social Media even while I am running your Social Media.  I don't want you lost in the mix of it all, I want you to feel comfortable with what I do.   I also teach classes on Social Media, and I will take the time with my clients to sit down and show them how to READ their STATS, how to communicate with their followers, and how to establish their brand.  My goal is not to have a long term relationship with you (although I will if need be), my goal is to educate the community on how to use Social Media to their best ability.  I am here for my clients, they have my personal phone number, email, and I will answer their questions, take their feed back, and listen to them.  
Note I did say I teach Social Media and Blogging Classes....Stay tuned, I have some upcoming classes!  

Travel Blogger / Event Promoter

Many know I LOVE to Travel and I LOVE the State of Missouri, I also write for as The Missouri Traveling Mom.   I love to share with others how fabulous it is to travel, where to go, and the best way to travel there. I also often get asked if I travel outside of the State of Missouri...YES I do, I love to Travel....however, due to financial restraints I often stay closer to home.  I do accept press invitations, will work with communities of all sizes in all areas.

The other side of being a travel blogger is a Social Media Promotion, a little secret is Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, is one of the BEST ways to draw attention to your event, locations, or what you are needing promoted.   I offer Social Media Promotion along with travel put it in basic terms:  Are you having an event?  Invite me to the event, I will help draw attention to your event on social media.  I tailor this uniquely to each event and will work my hardest to help you get your word out.

Product Reviews 
Something that I do, but don't do as often as many other bloggers is product reviews.  I will review your product, share my true honest opinion, and tell over my social media, blog, and in person my experience. I am looking currently to do some outdoor product reviews including camping supplies...if anyone has any tips, or products I could share with my readers, let me know.

Now just in case I have intrigued you and you want to chat more, feel free to reach out me via email adventuresamongus at gmail dot com.   or you can find me on Facebook at Becky Davenport (I did say I share my life with my clients.  :-)

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