Friday, December 20, 2013

Did you pray for a homesexual last night?

I get that we are a bunch of very opinionated over educated folks here in America.....or maybe not. 

In the past 24 hours there has been a lot of discussion around me about what Phil Robertson said, what is right, how A&E screwed up, and rather I am right or wrong in how I feel.

In the past 24 hours these are quotes that I have heard or seen about gays:

"I hate gays, they are just gross"

"I will not eat anything that a gay person has prepared"

"I do not want to be standing next to a gay person when Jesus comes back as he may not take me, God says gays are unclean"

 "How could a man sleep with another man?'

"being gay is wrong because they say it is"

These are only a few, and rather those quotes are wrong or right, my point is that does anyone have an educated thought to back up what they believe? 

Yes, I realize Phil Robertson had the Bible to back him up.  My belief is, that he could have reached MORE people by wording it different, or the person who put the article out could have....When I say that I get fired back, well you can't sugar coat the Bible. 

No you cannot, but had Phil Robertson changed the word "homosexuality" with "infidelity" none of this every would have happened.   Am I right or am I wrong?

Would we ever hear quotes like:

"I hate people that commit infidelity, it is just gross"

"I will not eat anything that someone who sleeps around has prepared"

"I do not want to be standing next to a person who sleeps around when Jesus comes back as he may not take me, God says people who commit infidelity is unclean"

"How could a man sleep with many women, or a woman sleep with so many men?"

"committing infidelity is wrong, because they say it is"

My point is, no sin is greater than another.   We as a nation, as Christians are focused on the wrong aspect of it all.

I was taught many many years ago to love everyone, no matter what.  Pray for everyone no matter what.  I wonder how many of the people sharing the "Save Phil Robertson photos" sat down and prayed for someone who practices homosexuality? 

My guess is few to none as they were busy cancelling their TV stations, shouting on Facebook, Twitter, and wherever how wrong A&E is.

A&E may have committed suicide by suspending Phil Robertson, I do think they will rethink their decision, and if not I am sure another TV Station will offer the family more money to come their way.

However, no matter what happens with the Robertson Clan, the problem will not be solved, only their problem will be solved.

The problem is, we are so opinionated, so eager to place blame, call someone a sinner that we cannot see past what today's issue is, and reach for tomorrow.

If anyone ask, Yes I prayed for someone who practices homosexuality last night, I also prayed for someone who is guilty of infidelity last night, I also prayed for someone who stuggles with drug and alcohol problems last night, and I prayed for myself because I struggle with people who do not see the bigger picture of it all!


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