Sunday, February 2, 2014

The 7-Minute Workout App....I like it!

I am often a bit of skeptic when it come to having to pay for an app, however, when I saw the 7-Minute Workout app on my Facebook I had an impulse and bought it without thinking.

I thought 7 minutes...I can afford  or hide for 7 minutes.

I have 3 workout issues in my house. 
- no time
- no equipment
- my audience...notice I said "hide".....I cannot workout in peace like I once did.  I often have an unwanted audience that finds humor in my attempt to workout.  

When I downloaded this app, since I was home alone, I immediately gave it a try.

First round, I discovered this was just like the circuit training I once did at my gym.  Knowing I have slipped back into the "out of shape" zone, I decided for a week straight I would do 1 round of 7 minutes.  Each day it got a little easier and I was less sore.

Today I added in 7 more minutes giving myself 14 minutes of circuit training with only a short drink break between legs and arms feel like JELLO, but I successfully made it through two 30 second planks!   Yay! Me!

The app does cost $1.99 (or that is what I paid when I downloaded it) but you can find free versions on YouTube and the web.  

I like that the exercises are easy, I don't need tons of equipment, I can do as many repetitions of the workout as I want, and I can hide in my bedroom hallway where the kids can't find humor in my workout! 

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