Friday, June 20, 2014

Discover the Forest Near You

(disclosure:  I have been compensated for the review of this product, however, all thoughts and opinions are my own)

We often think that we have to go to far away to discover something cool, but we over look the cool
stuff right out our backdoor.

I can still remember my first hiking trip with my kids, all the bugs we saw, the deer that seemed to follow us through the woods, and the sound of laughter in the woods - back then we were clueless.

Nature is good for kids - and while nature surrounds me here in rural Missouri, it is not always so easy to find.

I was recently introduced to Discover The Forest website - a new way for parents to navigate nature.

Discover The Forest features an interactive map tool that enables users to search for nearby forests and parks, and filter by zip code and desired activities. Free outdoor activities are also available for download and printing, which you can take the next time you visit.

The website impressed me!  Even way out here in the boondocks the Park locator found parks and museums close to me - that rarely happens on national websites!

1 comment:

  1. I heard about this recently and wanted to check it out. Thanks for the reminder!


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