Thursday, October 9, 2014

Green Chili Beer at Flat Branch Pub in Columbia, Missouri

Months ago I did a review on Flat Branch Pub in Columbia, Missouri - in my post I shared that I did not like the beer that I had ordered - and I didn't.

So upon me returning to Columbia, Missouri this fall, I shared that I would be again eating at Flat Branch - and as always my faithful readers chimed in and made a few suggestions on what beer to drink.

Then as I sat at my hotel chatting with one of the locals, she suggested that I try Flat Branch's Green Chili Beer.

At first I was grossed out, who would drink beer that taste like Green Chilies?  I don't even like spicy
things - why would I like this?   Sometimes I am polite, so I politely agreed to try the Green Chili Beer and left.

Arriving at Flat Branch Pub, I was with the gang from Missouri Outdoors Communicators - they all agreed that the Green Chili Beer sounded crazy.

This time, I asked the waitress for her opinion, she happily offered me a sample of the Green Chili Beer ----- then I ordered another glass.

Green Chili Beer has a bit of a kick, it tasted a bit hot, and had an after kick of like drinking whiskey.   I was sold, I loved the beer.

Only there is a catch - there is always a catch.  

Be careful what you order to eat with your Green Chili Beer.  I absolutely love Cajun food, so when I saw they had a Cajun pasta meal - I just knew I needed it.   Half way through my meal, it clicked that my Green Chili Beer was not going to cool my mouth after my Cajun Pasta - NOT a good combo, but both delicious.

So Flat Branch Pub & Brewery you set me right, or the locals, my readers, and your waitress did.  I am sold on the Green Chili Beer - now to find something to pair it with!

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