Thursday, July 21, 2016

Why you should go to Old Settlers Day in Pulaski County, Missouri

(Disclosure:  Parts of my visit to Pulaski County, Missouri were sponsored, however, all thoughts are my own - I cannot be bought) 

Old Settlers Day in Pulaski County Missouri is more than a festival; it is a community event.   We were outsiders - or were we?  Who could tell as the tiny town of Waynesville, Missouri filled with visitors from all over the world.

The streets smelled like funnel cakes and sno-cones, at distance you could here the sounds of the reenactment, and in front of me I could see the faces of giggling kids running circles around the community's free splash park.

The 36th Annual Old Settlers Day  to be held the weekend of July 30th - you will find the event to be a community celebration of what Pulaski County was, what Pulaski County is, and what Pulaski County will be.  

Here is why you should go

Eat Some Yummy Food

Enjoy Some Refreshing Fun

Enjoy the Past

Feel Community Love

Meet Unique People

Learn to Barter and Trade

1 comment:

  1. We'd love for you to come out and visit our event (Wyatt Earp's Fallfest) in Lamar, Missouri October 8th! Check out the details here:


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