Monday, May 20, 2024

The Trashy Prayer

This week I realized, I am not praying enough for my community.  I mean thought filled prayers.   Over the last 2 years our community has became so bitter with each other, so bitter that the outside world sees it before our inside world does.   As a leader and a leaders wife this hurts.  We have a community full of good people. 

Tonight is our city council meeting; our leaders have an important vote that impacts a local business, but also impacts every single resident and business inside the city limits of our community.   This is a HUGE decision.  

I never felt my words needed to be spoke, but I knew my prayers needed to be prayed.  

Today, I am reciting this prayer over and over.  Begging for God’s Love and Mercy to pour over our community! 

Dear Heavenly Father,  I pray you guide the leaders of the City of Marble Hill to make decisions that please you.  I pray that you breathe your wisdom down on them and they only see what you see and do what you know is best.  

I pray that you give them courage and bravery.  You protect their minds, their hearts, and the lives.  I pray that every word they speak is spoken to them by you.  I pray you consume them completely and you rule over over our city.  

Dear Jesus I know you are the knower of all.  You know every person involved in this situation.  You know all intentions and meanings behind everything.  I pray mercy and kindness for all involved.  I pray understanding and wisdom.  I pray for prosperity for everyone.  

God my Father, I lay my life down for you, I worship your awesomeness, your love, and your being.  Thank you for all you have done for me, my husband, my family, my community, and the world the surrounds us.  I appreciate the hedge you will continue to build around us.  I know you will protect us, guide us,  and be our everyday savior.   I love you father.   I only desire to work for you.  I only want to be the hands and feet of Jesus! 

Your daughter waiting to be in heaven with you.  ❤️ Becky of Marble Hill.  

(If you landed on this page and are thinking what in the world is this girl talking about.  I am a writer, I struggle to pray out loud, but I can write my prayers.   Praying for my community, the people in my community, and for a hedge around my community is the best act of leadership I can do.  This is my personal prayer journal titled "My City Prayers")

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